Sunday, 4 March 2012

Friends of Mtwara

Redditch One World Link was officially recognised in 1985. Mtwara, in
Tanzania, a ‘new town’ of similar size to Redditch, was identified as a suitable
twin in a developing country. The first visit was made in 1987 by the Mayor
of Redditch, Cllr Ron Passingham and his wife Betty, chair of ROWL.

With the two towns working together, the link has
continued to thrive and grow with the help of:-

• The Councils
• Community groups
• Schools
• Faith groups
• Individuals

ROWL committee works closely with the partner committee of Mtwara One
World Link. Sharing of responsibilities is encouraged. Projects include:-

• Student sponsorship scheme
to help with the secondary
school fees of needy pupils.
• Exchange visits involving teachers,
pupils, religious leaders, councillors
and the general public.
• Partnerships between schools
and faith groups.
• Supplying items via containers –
fire engine, ambulance, medical
equipment, school & library books,
lab equipment, garden & carpentry
tools, sewing machines & typewriters.
• Facilitating the funding for school
buildings and a water pipe.

The primary aim of the linking is
in friendship, equality and mutual
respect. Giving and sharing is a natural
outcome of building bridges between
the two towns in addressing inequality.

Pen friends meet

Welcome again
to Mtwara!

Meeting sponsored
pupils at Sino Tanzania
Secondary School