Sunday, 4 March 2012

Friends of Mtwara

Redditch One World Link was officially recognised in 1985. Mtwara, in
Tanzania, a ‘new town’ of similar size to Redditch, was identified as a suitable
twin in a developing country. The first visit was made in 1987 by the Mayor
of Redditch, Cllr Ron Passingham and his wife Betty, chair of ROWL.

With the two towns working together, the link has
continued to thrive and grow with the help of:-

• The Councils
• Community groups
• Schools
• Faith groups
• Individuals

ROWL committee works closely with the partner committee of Mtwara One
World Link. Sharing of responsibilities is encouraged. Projects include:-

• Student sponsorship scheme
to help with the secondary
school fees of needy pupils.
• Exchange visits involving teachers,
pupils, religious leaders, councillors
and the general public.
• Partnerships between schools
and faith groups.
• Supplying items via containers –
fire engine, ambulance, medical
equipment, school & library books,
lab equipment, garden & carpentry
tools, sewing machines & typewriters.
• Facilitating the funding for school
buildings and a water pipe.

The primary aim of the linking is
in friendship, equality and mutual
respect. Giving and sharing is a natural
outcome of building bridges between
the two towns in addressing inequality.

Pen friends meet

Welcome again
to Mtwara!

Meeting sponsored
pupils at Sino Tanzania
Secondary School

Monday, 20 February 2012


ROWL seeks to work alongside other organisations
which have shared interests and are of mutual benefit:
• United Kingdom One World Link Association
• Britain-Tanzania Society
• Trade Aid
• League for Exchange of Commonwealth Teachers
• Commonwealth Youth Exchange Council
• Local Government International Bureau
• Development Education Association
• Read International

 ROWL Activities

 • Sharing cultures and
developing friendships
• Exchange visits
• Support with health, trade and training
• School, church and community links
• Student sponsorship scheme
• Pen-friends
• Aid: supplies and donations for projects
• Hospitality and hosting of Tanzanians
• Networking and attending
conferences of Tanzanian interest

Sponsoring Students in Mtwara

Education is regarded as a vital part of the life experience of children in Tanzania. Whereas primary education is now free, attendance at secondary school is dependent on selection and payment of fees.

Some families are unable to afford fees for their children. This may result in their being unable to take up or complete a secondary school course.

Following the first visit to Mtwara-Mikindani by a party from Redditch in 1994, Redditch One World Link agreed to establish a student sponsorship fund. This would make resources available to support selected school pupils from needy families for their school fees and certain other needs.
The scheme has been operating for over 16 years and is administered by the Mtwara One World Link committee, in association with head-teachers, with funds donated by members and friends of ROWL. MOWL each year provides a list of pupils that are being sponsored and forwards pupils’ letters of news, thanks and appreciation – in English and Swahili.

A Selection of Letters

Naliendele Agricultural College
“I am very glad to say, “thank you” to your organisation, MOWL, for what you have done and to what you’re still doing to me, that is financing my studies at Naliendele Agricultural College for two years.
I have benefited a lot by attending the field study where I learnt a lot of things practically and through interaction in the society. It is my hope that that through your financial assistance to my studies, I will be able  to be competent in this field of the agricultural sector. 18/12/10 I thank you for sponsoring my school fees for two years at Naliendele. Through your sponsorship, I managed to complete my studies and have been awarded the certificate in the course of general agriculture. I wish that you will be able to help others who will be asking for sponsorship as the same you did to me.
May God bless you.”

 Local then Mzumbe Secondary School
 “I would like to thank you for sponsoring me in my studies especially in paying my school fees since I was in form two till now in advanced level. Through your assistance I have been doing well in academics. In 2008, I got an opportunity to join Mzumbe Secondary School as advanced student. In addition, I have been helped by Bashiru Hamisi who was sponsored by MOWL in past years. I received assistance from him like books, clothes, shops, money for buying other needs. Also I get support from Miss Jennifer Sesabo towards my basic needs. I expect to do well in my form six exams and would later like to take a Journalism course.”

 Liwale Secondary School
 “I’m writing to give thanks to the sponsors providing school fees for me since form one up to form five. I’ve no more words to say than: “Thanks a lot for your aid”. This year (2009), I am going to start form six, may I beg you to sponsor me again in school fees.”

 University of Dar es Salaam
 “Today I would like to express my thanks to you, MOWL and Redditch One World Link for just assisting me to reach this highest level of education that everybody desires to reach. Since Oct 2009, I am in University of Dar es Salaam taking the three years degree Course of Bachelor of Commerce in Account (B.Com Acc). The Higher Education Students Loan Board gave me a loan for fees and accommodation. Therefore I am happy as I want to share it with you as you made my dreams to come into reality.”